I just saw an overweight, balding, gray before his time; huckster on TV. He was exploiting a skinny, sad and angry looking girl in hopes of getting our money to find her food and clean water. Oh and education.
I want her and the rest of us to be educated enough to know who took away her food, or her peoples’ ability to grow and hunt their own. And who soiled her water with their shit.
Not just that fat old white guy, I’d say, but whoever is pulling his puppet strings. Not just the ones who enslaved her kin, stole their land to exploit its natural resources, and turned the remaining destroyed family members against each other and to desperation and crime.
We are all to blame. We all allow someone else to pull our strings. We allow them to guide us into the hell of trading our land, our freedom and our time for the privilege of buying and eating the shit they sell us.
We are all to blame for not taking back our lives and continuing to allow them to hide the truth from us.
We are willing sheep with the wool pulled over our own eyes.
They are dulling our senses with their clogging, deadening foodstuffs. Which we happily devour along with the flesh and byproducts of their drugged, tortured and murdered animals.
We allow them to convince us that all life on this planet is either a commodity or a nuisance and therefore expendable.
We have the choice to eat a higher vibration food. It might not be perfect food for clarifying our senses and our thoughts; al least not until we take back our land and turn our surroundings back into the paradise it was and is meant to be. But it’s a start. Fresher and cleaner food helps us to begin clearing away the cobwebs. Cleaning our blood, tissues and cells thereby clearing our minds, is a process and a battle that needs to be waged thoughtfully and with determination. With the courage of our convictions, energy and insight increase. The warrior in this battle must be unwavering in his intentions and purpose.
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