Letting Go of Addiction

I am an addict.
I have always admitted that I have an addictive personality. I used to like to say that I loved things that start with the letter C. Coffee, chocolate, champagne, chardonay, cabernet, cannabis, cocaine, coitus, to name a few. But I didn't just love them. I was addicted to them. 
Luckily I kicked the cocaine habit quite a while ago, on my own, I have a very strong will when I can just put my mind to it. The cannabis habit was more difficult. I have used it as a crutch off and on since I was a teenager. I did use it to help me kick coke and other habits like cooked dense food. While other people would get the munchies, I would get creative and forget to eat. At least that is what would happen in the beginning. Then I would depend on that creative energy and think I could smoke it every day and achieve that high, but not so. Instead S words would come in to play, like sluggish, slow and stupid. Pot was still a difficult habit to kick. I actually didn't quit on purpose like I did coke. I was well into detox and starving the yeast when I just ran out one day last year and forgot to buy more. My cousin even called me before a family reunion just last month and asked me to get some for us to share. Instead, I got some for her. 
Coitus took care of itself with age.
Now I am left with the really difficult substances.
After a few months of following Detox 4 Women. I was able to replace my 1/2-plus bottle a day champagne habit with chardonay. Obviously I wasn't following the lifestyle very well. But then I replaced the white with cabernet and I am down to 2 bottles of red a week and counting.
I have had a lifetime love affair with chocolate. I used to live on my mom's home made fudge during the holidays. Then as a young adult, I would eat all of the chocolate out of my kids Halloween bags and Easter baskets. It was an addiction that I could control for months at a time until I had that one piece. Then it would be my main diet for days, weeks. Natalia turned me on to dark chocolate, thank goodness. I must admit I have struggled with milk and white chocolate some since this last Christmas but I think I might have that under control now. One day at a time, right?
What can I say?
I didn't even start drinking it until my 30's. I was an herb tea drinking vegetarian until then. Now I have been drinking at least one strong mug of coffee every day for 25 years.
Ehret and Natalia both warned me about it's acidic destructive qualities, but did I listen? No. I only heard their other words like "a tribe in Egypt lived to well over a hundred drinking strong coffee" or "it might not interfere in your first year of detox". In my heart I knew it was not doing my already compromised system any good. That it has been interfering with my attempt to alkalize my tissues. And now, thanks to Ana Ladd-Griffins' post a few days ago, I know it is not just interfering with my detox, but it is actually encouraging yeast and fungal growth.
I am very happy to say that today is day 5 without it. I took Sabina's advice and switched to green tea and hopefully I can transition off of caffeine, soon.
Well, we shall see if all of this admission of many of my faults and shortcomings will prove a help. I actually began this post because I wanted to talk about my addiction to fruit!! Addiction to fruit?? I'll have to save that one for another post.
Love and Light 

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, babe!! Keep writing. I love it! xoxoxoxox You encourage me. xoxoxoxoxox
