I'm back!

I know I vowed to write everyday. I went through some backsliding, eating less than clean, but I am back!
I am juicing and eating fresh again and feeling fabulous.
So watch out!

Our amazing Bodies

our spirit resides in a perfect machine.
at least it is designed perfectly. eons of abuse and neglect and ignorance imposed on our dna may have eroded and endangered it but the machine can still work and adjust perfectly.
we just need to give it a chance.
stop or even slow down the consumption of over-processed, chemical laden so-called food that we eat and slather on our overburdened body and give it a chance to do it's thing.
it is capable of transforming raw materials into every thing it needs to heal itself. all it needs for you to do is slow down the consumption of fake, wanna-be foods. eat as much whole unadulterated food as you can. try to focus on raw plant foods, especially greens and  start reading ingredients on your packaged foods. 
believe me, if it says "natural" or "light" on the package, it is probably anything but.
fructose and corn syrup are more highly processed and indigestible than sugar. soy is another highly processed ingredient in  so-called "health foods" that is practically indigestible. if you don't recognize the names on the ingredient list, it is probably not a food and definitely indigestible.
if it is not a whole food, the body stores it in your cells until it has time to deal with it.
the dense foods that we typically eat are very taxing on our digestive systems. the amount of food and the many combinations that we put into our stomachs at one sitting is astonishing. the body doesn't have time to assimilate all of these ingredients before we begin stuffing it again. the only time it can deal with these poisons that are stored in the pockets of our intestines and the cells of our tissues is when the stomach is empty. and we are so fooled about what actual hunger is that our stomachs are never empty. even when we wake up in the morning.
many of us wake up sluggish, tired and grouchy. as soon as we eat we feel a little better so we think breakfast is the most important meal. the fact is that during the night we are not eating and our stomach gets emptier. the body has time to deal with the poisons in it and we wake up feeling sick because these poisons are circulating in an attempt to be eliminated. it is these poisons that we ate yesterday or last week or last month or last year that are making us feel miserable. as soon as we fill our bellies again, the body has to start digesting and the poisons it was attempting to eliminate are stored again until the next attempt and we feel better. we feel normal again, i should say.
but what is normal?
is it normal for you to have headaches, body-aches, depression, sluggishness, lethargy, insomnia, anxiety, zits, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, gas, heartburn, cellulite, fat? do you think our perfect machines really need aspirin, ibuprofin, tylenol, laxatives, antacids, prescription meds just to feel normal? 
maybe food isn't the first thing you ingest in the morning to make you feel normal again. maybe it is coffee, which not only gets you going with a slight buzz, but it helps you to eliminate whatever is next in line from your bowels.  doesn't sound like such a bad thing right? maybe it isn't as bad as most of the foods we eat, but it is just one more addictive substance that we rely upon and if we don't have it we are sick and miserable. doesn't sound very desirable does it?
the medical community, the pharmaceutical and insurance companies would have you believe that all you need to feel normal again is one or more of their products. i am starting to believe these entities are invested in each other. it is in all of their best interests to keep you sick and reliant upon them. the huge food processing and manufacturing companies need you to be addicted to their products as well.
poisons are addicting. if you ingest a little daily you begin to rely on them as well and don't feel quite normal if you go a couple of days without them.

heal not mask

i try to heal the injury, not mask the symptoms.
i use the word injury also meaning illness or disease. because illness and disease are injuries. to the system, the blood, the psyche, the spirit.
it is an imbalance.  for whatever reason.
and one part of the being affects the whole.


age is huge.
not ony normal wear and tear, abut apathy.
you're not what you once were , but nobody is looking at you anyway.
so you don't have a lot of choices.
and it's too easy to not give a shit how you look or even feel if there isn't anybody looking anyway.
you need to be strong. it's way too  easy to give in and let gravity get you down.

people think me spacey, silly, eccentric, new age, out there.
that's the way my kids see me.
i suppose i am all those things.

a clean system

our tissues are sponges. soaking up the fluids and gases ingested through the mouth. nose, and skin.
everything we eat, breathe, touch, come in contact with is soaked up into the cells, the bloodstream. filtered, transformed and used up, stored or spit out.

trying to achieve and maintain a clean system (rinse out the sponge) with dense foods and dried chemicals is foolish.

these spongy tissues are continually bombarded with gluey, toxic, inorganic, highly processed, chemically enhanced and preserved stuff.

the average american eats 2 to 3 times as much as they need from childhood on. clogging the system more and more year after year, while eating more and eliminating less.
elimination is the key. clearing the pathways.
our food should be our fuel. the chemistry is not clear to people. they think dense is better. stick to the ribs, take ten hours, or more to digest.
in reality crisp and juicy is the ideal burnable texture we need. easily digested, quickly assimilated and transformed from one element into another.

shir khan

my cat died last night.
my hand was on his belly.
he was having trouble breathing. i lightly held my fingertips to his ribs as I whispered breathe baby. just breathe and he did. 2 or three more times and i felt his last.
i couldn't be sure he was gone. i didn't want to know. but he was.
i laid down on my bed and felt my consciousness merge with his.
i vibrated with the flowing strength and energy.
i sent him wholeness. healing.
i was secretly hoping for healing on this plane in this lifetime, but i now know it was not to be. i do feel that all of those good vibrations i was sending and receiving, are real. and mark my words, i have received energy he has sent to me in his lifetime,
there is a strong spirit there.
i have felt his presence and his energy, his breath and his fur, when he needed me and i was far away.
but i let him down more than once.
i have let everyone down more than once in my lifetime.
maybe that is one reason i don't know who i am.
it depends on who i'm with. who i'm listening to. who is influencing me. asking for my time and energy.
then when i get time to myself, i rebel. against some unseen enemy.
my demons
so even if i win, i lose.
i"ll miss you shir khan.
all you ever wanted was love and attention
you were a wonderful companion for 10 years of my life.
thank you

To write or not to write.

i vow to attempt to write a little every day.

what stumps me. is who am i.
what is my style.
do i have a style?
i think i need one.
i'm sure what style i want and what i portray are miles apart.
i would love to possess clarity.
i guess that probably isn't a style.
more of a being.

i would like my style to be
  • brilliant
  • stunning
  • elegant
  • soft spoken
  • witty
  • dry
  • calm and deliberate
ok, i'll settle for the last three.

unfortunately none of those are anything you could develop. unless you already possessed good genes 
and enough sense to eat right, light and clean. for the most part you are born with these traits.
so what is style.
cleverness would be something to aspire to.
As you can see by my wanderings, this blog doesn't even have a direction or purpose, let alone style.
painfully boring rings a bell.

i apologize.
self deprecation.
i believe we have hit upon a potential style.
the only  way that style would work is if i were funny.
just received an email saying that i am not approved by ad-sense because my site is under construction.
maybe that's a good thing.
ok. the purpose of this blog. 
to spread my propaganda.
to make people see that my way of life, my knowledge of the human condition are what everybody should aspire to.
preachy,  judgmental and a little nazi-like.
Now those are styles.
i may get preachy but i have more than my share of vices.
i have not bought an aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen for myself for 40 years.
my vices lean more toward the organic.

the purpose of my blog.
to help people to realize that paradise on earth is totally possible.
that supreme health and clarity and love are attainable.
within our grasp.
whether it be physical beauty: great skin, trim figure, defined muscles. 
or energy, clarity and focus , extreme joy.

all of these elements of being are available to all of us.

a gross truth: parasites. flies, beetles, microbes, whatever life-forms that live off of our living bodies, are
actually feasting on the dying parts of our bodies.
mosquitos feed on acidic blood.
flies love shit
so if we have acidic  blood and sweat full of toxic sludge (shit), the flies love us.
beetles? maybe they are the master trash collectors/recyclers

i suppose my style would begin with earthy.
nasty, down and dirty ( right! more like spacey, old and silly)

Day One

I am so excited to finally be starting a blog. I always feel like i have a lot to say, but it doesn't always come out the way I plan. anyway, here goes.
I have been following a detox lifestyle most of my adult life.
I raised my kids this way. Healthy, whole, mainly raw, plant based diets. No pharmaceuticals, including vaccinations. No visits to the doctor unless it is an emergency.
I feel our current health system promotes disease not health.
I just want to explode at the way our society views health.
I am not going to get in to my entire philosophy today.
this is just the beginning.
I wish love and light to all.