a clean system

our tissues are sponges. soaking up the fluids and gases ingested through the mouth. nose, and skin.
everything we eat, breathe, touch, come in contact with is soaked up into the cells, the bloodstream. filtered, transformed and used up, stored or spit out.

trying to achieve and maintain a clean system (rinse out the sponge) with dense foods and dried chemicals is foolish.

these spongy tissues are continually bombarded with gluey, toxic, inorganic, highly processed, chemically enhanced and preserved stuff.

the average american eats 2 to 3 times as much as they need from childhood on. clogging the system more and more year after year, while eating more and eliminating less.
elimination is the key. clearing the pathways.
our food should be our fuel. the chemistry is not clear to people. they think dense is better. stick to the ribs, take ten hours, or more to digest.
in reality crisp and juicy is the ideal burnable texture we need. easily digested, quickly assimilated and transformed from one element into another.

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