Assisting in the Release of Disease Matter

Besides being dehydrating, the SAD (standard American diet) leaves behind mucus in our system. At first, when we are very young, the bowels are able to keep up and expel this sticky residue through our stools, but eventually it gets backed up. Trust me when I say that one good movement a day is no where near enough to keep up with the massive quantities of shit that we stuff into our faces daily.
 So as the bowels back up there is no where for this sticky snot to go but into our bloodstream, where it is deposited in the nearest place possible.  It builds up in the joints (arthritis). It comes out of the skin as acne or rashes. It comes through the scalp as dandruff. It comes out the nose as snot and buggers. It comes  out the chest as a cough, the glands as sore throat, etc, etc.
 This is why during a cleansing diet it is so important to cleanse the bowels at least every other day with enemas or at least once a week with colonics.
 Our body is continually attempting to rid itself of this disease matter and when we help it along with a cleansing, detox diet, masses head for the exit. So if we don't assist the bowels in releasing these masses, we run the risk of allowing these poisons to back up in the bowels even more and showing detox sympoms, runny nose, coughing up phlem, rashes, headaches, swollen joints, all the symptoms associated with a normal modern day lifestyle. This is why so many people fail when they first attempt to eat right. The new cleansing alkaline food supply begins to clean the blood which begins to clean all of this foreign matter from the  tissues and the body in its infinite wisdom sends it back to the bowels for release. But the bowels are still so caked with old crap that they need a lot of help.
When Natalia says "awaken and release" she is being literal. This fresh hydrating alkaline food that we are now consuming awakens the acidic masses of waste we are retaining and releases it through the urine and the bowels.
If you are not expelling mass quantities through these two exit points you are not detoxing.
People think I am crazy when I say that following this lifestyle properly makes you immune to communicable diseases, but it is true.


I can not stress enough how slowly you have to cleanse and detox. Especially if you are of an advanced age, like me, or you have any kind of ailments or disease.
Natalia calls it over-cleansing if you move too quickly into this lifestyle. Ehret said to transition first for a few months before embarking on a strict fruit diet in order to avoid severe symptoms. But in this day and age we are so poisoned with toxins, even Natalia transitioned for 5 years, she said. WOW.
I keep trying to "up the ante" as she says, but I get too ahead of myself. My digestive tract is very sensitive and apparently still too clogged to progress too quickly. I can manage a few sweet fruits early in the day, but I have to be very careful right now about what to eat later in the day.
For instance, I think it is still important for me to include sweet potatoes or quinoa with dinner at least twice a week. i also have to be careful about too much butter or too many avocados. I think large amounts of fat, even the digestible kinds, are dangerous for my indigestion.
Maybe if I weren't working 7 days a week I could go for it a little faster. As it is, I'm not able to stay home and rest if necessary, I have to be "on it" every day.

The Magic of Breath

Breath and spirit are one. In all our root languages and traditions.

Our power is infinite. But it is almost impossible to reveal this infinite energy until you release the bad energy.
You can't pile good on top of bad. the bad will rot the good. First, you have to exhale and deeply, every last drop of the old air.

As with the lungs, so with the stomach. first, you have to cleanse and detox. Then you can truly inhale deeply, cleanse completely. Fruit is the ultimate cleanser, but if you just start scarfing it on top of an acidic, clogged system; it will ferment, combust and rot. It needs to be introduced into a fairly clean system to be able to truly cleanse. As Natalia Rose says, to "awaken and release".

I would say after you awaken and release the garbage inside of you, then you can receive and transmit true and infinite energy. Infinite spirit.

VO2 max is a term I used when I was an aerobic instructor, certified personal  trainer. It means basically getting maximum oxygen into the bloodstream and thereby into the cells. In order to do this, you have to breathe deep and steady, not short shallow breaths. This is something that proper aerobic exercise can help you achieve. You can also achieve it with meditation and trance. Also, the cleaner and leaner the body becomes, the easier it is to achieve.

The cleaner the body becomes, the freer from toxins, the more you notice fragrance and how you can derive energy and healing from the fragrance of a flower or herb.

Imagine the energy and healing you could receive living in a clean-celled body in a pristine forest and eating only what grows around you.