
I can not stress enough how slowly you have to cleanse and detox. Especially if you are of an advanced age, like me, or you have any kind of ailments or disease.
Natalia calls it over-cleansing if you move too quickly into this lifestyle. Ehret said to transition first for a few months before embarking on a strict fruit diet in order to avoid severe symptoms. But in this day and age we are so poisoned with toxins, even Natalia transitioned for 5 years, she said. WOW.
I keep trying to "up the ante" as she says, but I get too ahead of myself. My digestive tract is very sensitive and apparently still too clogged to progress too quickly. I can manage a few sweet fruits early in the day, but I have to be very careful right now about what to eat later in the day.
For instance, I think it is still important for me to include sweet potatoes or quinoa with dinner at least twice a week. i also have to be careful about too much butter or too many avocados. I think large amounts of fat, even the digestible kinds, are dangerous for my indigestion.
Maybe if I weren't working 7 days a week I could go for it a little faster. As it is, I'm not able to stay home and rest if necessary, I have to be "on it" every day.

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