Visions into Inner Space

Ok, anyone reading this is going to really think I'm crazy, well you probably already do and I probably am, but here goes. I meditated before I went to the colonic with the storm trooper that I mentioned in my Totally Freaked Out post. In the deep darkness I saw the bug that would later be released from my system. I mean, I actually saw it and knew an hour before my colonic that it was inside of me wiggling its legs, I thought it looked kind of like a spider or a beetle. And then I saw it dead in the tube after it had been expelled. much bigger in person than in my vision.
Then the other day I woke up at 3 am. I couldn't get back to sleep so as I often do I had an enema session to remove some of the toxins that were keeping me awake. Afterward, I meditated. this time I saw many tiny bugs burrowing into and feeding on some nesting material. This was so unnerving and I tried to stop the image, but it kept coming back. These were not the same creatures with the legs, but very small very quick teardrop shaped little guys. I don't know where exactly, but knew that they're in me too.
Well, as you may imagine, I have been reluctant to meditate ever since. I woke up this morning much earlier than I wanted as I have a tough physical day at work ahead of me and I needed a full nights sleep, but could not get back and being afraid to meditate I began writing this post. After a couple of paragraphs I decided I needed to clear out some toxins and had an enema session. I have a lot of books handy and one of the books I have been reading is The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. It relates Sacred Geometry, the Phi Ratio, the Golden Mean and Fibonacci Spirals, musical harmonics, sound and light vibration and many more exciting things to this journey of life that we are on together. I find it quite interesting and inspiring. But I digress.
After this session I thought I might lie down and see if I could get a few more winks and braved putting a pillow over my eyes for the deep darkness I need to go into a deep journey/meditation.
I was very resistant at first, afraid of seeing bugs, but I eventually let myself go. I saw an image of the flower of life, pulsating and spinning until it became an orb and I was reminded of the orb in the Anastasia series. I was very comforted and let this image take me into deep trance. Out of this orb climbed the bug with the legs I had seen before, but as he climbed out he began to disentegrate and was gone like a puff of smoke. I was still a little unnerved, afraid of seeing all of those quick little guys again and had a little trouble continuing but was finally able to relax. As the images began to flow again, I saw something moving and forced myself to let go and see whatever I was supposed to see. I couldn't make it out at first but it reminded me of a sea anemone with tentacle-like things waving gently under the ocean. I realized it is the villi in our intestines waving with the pulsation action of life. I was seeing healthy tissues flowing and breathing with life!
Now I am not saying that my insides look like that yet. But I am so encouraged that that is the way they will look and are becoming more like that every day.

The Cosmic Web

I want to thank Natalia and Amanda for yesterdays live Q & A. I found it so inspiring. Thank you for reminding me that this jourhey is about so much more than getting in to my skinny jeans or even being disease free. Becoming conscious and aware of the interconnectedness of our world, our divine humanness or what did Natalia say,  the pulsating web of consciousness that we are all a part of. Something like that.
 This is what the clarity of blood and tissues helps us to realize. This lifestyle affords us true awareness of subtle realities, This is what it is really all about.  Clearing away the cobwebs that numb us to what is real and important. Do we want to continue feeding this insane consumer-driven consciousness that is spinning out of control driving us straight to the depths of Hell? Or do we want to be aware that this part of our lives is not truly real. We are so much more.
I remember first reading Ehret speaking of the spirituality that comes with the cleansing of the blood and thinking I want that clarity. And I have seen Natalias' work become more and more spiritual as you read her blogs and books from the beginning to now.
My own studies into shamanism and my journeys into the upper worlds and lower worlds of the cosmic realm have led me to spiritual helpers that have imparted words of wisdom to me that I am finally beginning to comprehend and consciously incorporate into my life.  Mind you I am no where near yet clean of tissues and blood but I do feel myself becoming somewhat clearer and more aware. More ready to deal with the information that I have received on my journeys.
Living in this concrete jungle, as so many of us do, I forget sometimes the nature that surrounds me and the wisdom that is out there for me to grab every second of every day. I also loved what was said on the call yesterday about the fruits and vegetables that we eat and drink being such a strong connection to nature for us.
I constantly dream of moving to the country and having my own family domain as Anastasia reccomends. I dream of seeing the stars at night and growing my own fruits and vegetables,  having nature at my doorstep. I forget that nature is always at my doorstep and all I have to do is open the door.
I'm sorry that we didn't get to hear more words of wisdom from Natalia yesterday, but thank you so much for reminding and encouraging me that this path that I am on is cosmic not just physical.

Totally Freaked Out

This post is not or the faint of heart. I'm not even sure if I can handle it.
You know, I have been doing so well in my detox. Losing wight, feeling great and looking better. I've been doing so well I even decided to up the ante and fly to New York City for Natalia Roses Advanced Detox Training Certification Course. I'm very excited about learning more and training to help others and committing myself to do this has inspired me to follow my plan even better.
I've been feeling so good that I have been slowly adding some sweet fruits back in to my diet. I have missed them so much.
My bowel cleansing routine has been outrageous. I'm eliminating copious amounts both at home with my enemas and with my colon hydrotherapist. I have not been very pleased with this therapist, though. She is a nice girl but not very knowledgeable and I have wanted to find a better one. I looked on Natalia's site the other day and found a new recommendation that is a little closer than the ones in LA, so I decided to give her a try.
I was a little put off the first few minutes in her office. As I was filling out her paperwork, she was munching away on some kind of veggie chips and telling me a little about the process. I told her a little about my routine and she obviously didn't know much about the detox lifestyle. She asked me when I plan to stop it, and she said she would like me to go 2 weeks without an enema. I told her we might not be able to work together after all. She managed to persuade me to give it a try. She has years of experience in colon hydrotherapy and other types of holistic healing. and I had driven all that way and was so looking forward to this experience. So I stayed.
Well, as the session began the usual chunks, mucus and sludge began to travel down the tube and she said "uh oh, do you know what that is?". No I didn't and my other therapist had no idea. "Nesting material", she said "and did you see that?" and "what was that big red mass?" and "girl did you see that bug with the legs?"
I mean, after decades of yo yo-ing between Ehret, raw foods, and juice fasting interspersed with the SAD and junk food and a love for starches; I knew I had parasites, but this. And of course since I had practically threatened to walk out on her I think she was reveling in letting me know how infested I am and what horrible condition my blood must be in. She managed to stop the outflow so I could see up close and personal one of these bugs with the legs and the feet. It was just hanging there upside down with his legs straight up, obviously dead. Oh my god, I can't get it out of my head, I am so freaked about having these things inside of me.
But, I  have to tell you that I cannot believe the huge amount of waste that came out. It must have been gallons. And this after my stomach has flattened and I've lost like 30 pounds in the last year or so. And I asked her didn't she agree that it is a good sign that all of this is coming out and isn't my detox obviously working and killing off these horrible creatures? She did agree with me and she was astonished at the amounts she was getting out of me. She said it looked like I was eliminating shit I'd been hanging on to since 1952. We laughed and had a grand ole time, yuk.
So, the colonic was so successful that I will go back. I may even do the live blood cell imaging thing at one of her events, but I'm still not convinced to do a parasite cleanse. She wants to see my blood so she can suggest which cleanse I should use and she is also sure I have liver flukes or some other horrible thing like that. And i didn't even tell her that I have been suspecting something in my eyes. Oh my, I am freaking.
But, I am sure I have read or heard Natalia say that this lifestyle when done properly is a full body cleanse and doesn't need these herbs and other substances to help it along.
I immediately came home and made another big green juice, and I will definitely not be eating sweet fruits

Letting Go of Addiction

I am an addict.
I have always admitted that I have an addictive personality. I used to like to say that I loved things that start with the letter C. Coffee, chocolate, champagne, chardonay, cabernet, cannabis, cocaine, coitus, to name a few. But I didn't just love them. I was addicted to them. 
Luckily I kicked the cocaine habit quite a while ago, on my own, I have a very strong will when I can just put my mind to it. The cannabis habit was more difficult. I have used it as a crutch off and on since I was a teenager. I did use it to help me kick coke and other habits like cooked dense food. While other people would get the munchies, I would get creative and forget to eat. At least that is what would happen in the beginning. Then I would depend on that creative energy and think I could smoke it every day and achieve that high, but not so. Instead S words would come in to play, like sluggish, slow and stupid. Pot was still a difficult habit to kick. I actually didn't quit on purpose like I did coke. I was well into detox and starving the yeast when I just ran out one day last year and forgot to buy more. My cousin even called me before a family reunion just last month and asked me to get some for us to share. Instead, I got some for her. 
Coitus took care of itself with age.
Now I am left with the really difficult substances.
After a few months of following Detox 4 Women. I was able to replace my 1/2-plus bottle a day champagne habit with chardonay. Obviously I wasn't following the lifestyle very well. But then I replaced the white with cabernet and I am down to 2 bottles of red a week and counting.
I have had a lifetime love affair with chocolate. I used to live on my mom's home made fudge during the holidays. Then as a young adult, I would eat all of the chocolate out of my kids Halloween bags and Easter baskets. It was an addiction that I could control for months at a time until I had that one piece. Then it would be my main diet for days, weeks. Natalia turned me on to dark chocolate, thank goodness. I must admit I have struggled with milk and white chocolate some since this last Christmas but I think I might have that under control now. One day at a time, right?
What can I say?
I didn't even start drinking it until my 30's. I was an herb tea drinking vegetarian until then. Now I have been drinking at least one strong mug of coffee every day for 25 years.
Ehret and Natalia both warned me about it's acidic destructive qualities, but did I listen? No. I only heard their other words like "a tribe in Egypt lived to well over a hundred drinking strong coffee" or "it might not interfere in your first year of detox". In my heart I knew it was not doing my already compromised system any good. That it has been interfering with my attempt to alkalize my tissues. And now, thanks to Ana Ladd-Griffins' post a few days ago, I know it is not just interfering with my detox, but it is actually encouraging yeast and fungal growth.
I am very happy to say that today is day 5 without it. I took Sabina's advice and switched to green tea and hopefully I can transition off of caffeine, soon.
Well, we shall see if all of this admission of many of my faults and shortcomings will prove a help. I actually began this post because I wanted to talk about my addiction to fruit!! Addiction to fruit?? I'll have to save that one for another post.
Love and Light 

Assisting in the Release of Disease Matter

Besides being dehydrating, the SAD (standard American diet) leaves behind mucus in our system. At first, when we are very young, the bowels are able to keep up and expel this sticky residue through our stools, but eventually it gets backed up. Trust me when I say that one good movement a day is no where near enough to keep up with the massive quantities of shit that we stuff into our faces daily.
 So as the bowels back up there is no where for this sticky snot to go but into our bloodstream, where it is deposited in the nearest place possible.  It builds up in the joints (arthritis). It comes out of the skin as acne or rashes. It comes through the scalp as dandruff. It comes out the nose as snot and buggers. It comes  out the chest as a cough, the glands as sore throat, etc, etc.
 This is why during a cleansing diet it is so important to cleanse the bowels at least every other day with enemas or at least once a week with colonics.
 Our body is continually attempting to rid itself of this disease matter and when we help it along with a cleansing, detox diet, masses head for the exit. So if we don't assist the bowels in releasing these masses, we run the risk of allowing these poisons to back up in the bowels even more and showing detox sympoms, runny nose, coughing up phlem, rashes, headaches, swollen joints, all the symptoms associated with a normal modern day lifestyle. This is why so many people fail when they first attempt to eat right. The new cleansing alkaline food supply begins to clean the blood which begins to clean all of this foreign matter from the  tissues and the body in its infinite wisdom sends it back to the bowels for release. But the bowels are still so caked with old crap that they need a lot of help.
When Natalia says "awaken and release" she is being literal. This fresh hydrating alkaline food that we are now consuming awakens the acidic masses of waste we are retaining and releases it through the urine and the bowels.
If you are not expelling mass quantities through these two exit points you are not detoxing.
People think I am crazy when I say that following this lifestyle properly makes you immune to communicable diseases, but it is true.


I can not stress enough how slowly you have to cleanse and detox. Especially if you are of an advanced age, like me, or you have any kind of ailments or disease.
Natalia calls it over-cleansing if you move too quickly into this lifestyle. Ehret said to transition first for a few months before embarking on a strict fruit diet in order to avoid severe symptoms. But in this day and age we are so poisoned with toxins, even Natalia transitioned for 5 years, she said. WOW.
I keep trying to "up the ante" as she says, but I get too ahead of myself. My digestive tract is very sensitive and apparently still too clogged to progress too quickly. I can manage a few sweet fruits early in the day, but I have to be very careful right now about what to eat later in the day.
For instance, I think it is still important for me to include sweet potatoes or quinoa with dinner at least twice a week. i also have to be careful about too much butter or too many avocados. I think large amounts of fat, even the digestible kinds, are dangerous for my indigestion.
Maybe if I weren't working 7 days a week I could go for it a little faster. As it is, I'm not able to stay home and rest if necessary, I have to be "on it" every day.

The Magic of Breath

Breath and spirit are one. In all our root languages and traditions.

Our power is infinite. But it is almost impossible to reveal this infinite energy until you release the bad energy.
You can't pile good on top of bad. the bad will rot the good. First, you have to exhale and deeply, every last drop of the old air.

As with the lungs, so with the stomach. first, you have to cleanse and detox. Then you can truly inhale deeply, cleanse completely. Fruit is the ultimate cleanser, but if you just start scarfing it on top of an acidic, clogged system; it will ferment, combust and rot. It needs to be introduced into a fairly clean system to be able to truly cleanse. As Natalia Rose says, to "awaken and release".

I would say after you awaken and release the garbage inside of you, then you can receive and transmit true and infinite energy. Infinite spirit.

VO2 max is a term I used when I was an aerobic instructor, certified personal  trainer. It means basically getting maximum oxygen into the bloodstream and thereby into the cells. In order to do this, you have to breathe deep and steady, not short shallow breaths. This is something that proper aerobic exercise can help you achieve. You can also achieve it with meditation and trance. Also, the cleaner and leaner the body becomes, the easier it is to achieve.

The cleaner the body becomes, the freer from toxins, the more you notice fragrance and how you can derive energy and healing from the fragrance of a flower or herb.

Imagine the energy and healing you could receive living in a clean-celled body in a pristine forest and eating only what grows around you.

The Cause of Growing Old

The Chinese measure age not by years but by the limberness of your spine.
I'll go one step further and say age is truly measured by hydration.
Skin dries out, organs dry up and wither away. Hair grows dry, gray and falls out. The bones grow dry and brittle.
You can apply all the creams and lotions you want. Basically we dry up from the inside out.
Therefore we need to hydrate from the inside out.

Easy Digestion

Why do we eat what we eat?
Are we trying to build new blood and new cells? Are we satisfying a real hunger? Or do we have a desire that can't be satisfied? A real addiction.
Are we listening to the ads and the government agencies telling us we need our protein from meat, our calcium from dairy and our roughage from grains?
Do we believe that true health and longevity can be achieved with dense candy-like bars full of nutrients that were created and added in a laboratory?
Do we really believe that we can derive usable proteins and nutrients from animal products or even vegetable products that have been cooked, cured, boiled  packaged, frozen or canned?
Or are we listening to our instincts?
Our body is a perfect machine that can be ignored, tortured and abused for a life-time.
But with a slight change in diet it can begin to process real nutrients and build real health. Our body is continually trying to heal itself by eliminating the toxins we continually ingest, thereby eliminating the diseases from which we are suffering.
As the toxins build up in our system, our immunity to disease becomes more and more compromised.
All of these foods that are continually being pushed upon us by these ads and agencies have more than one thing in common. But first and foremost, they are difficult for us to digest. They are dense and dry and have very little if anything in them that our system can really break down and use. As they travel through our 30 feet of spongy intestines, they leave sticky residue behind. This can easily be seen by how sticky they are when they attempt to make an exit. Our body can hydrate and loosen these toxic residues when we give it a rest from the energy sapping digestion that these foods take. Unfortunately we continue to stuff our overtaxed systems with more and more  of these sticky dense foods, never giving it a chance to clean itself out. Our intestines eventually become so clogged with these residues, that even raw nutrients have trouble getting through into the bloodstream.

This clogging up of our system has many symptoms, but usually begins  with seemingly normal problems like: constipation, headaches, sluggishness, foggy head, depression, fatigue,dry skin, oily skin, acne, rashes, constant colds, allergies, coughing and sneezing, heartburn and acid stomach, arthritis, to name but a few.
In reality, these symptoms are the body's attempt to expel these toxins. The tragedy is that we, at the advice of modern medical science, do not attempt to help the body expel them, but we suppress and add to them by ingesting even more toxic substances, namely pharmaceuticals.
Eventually the suppression of these minor ailments leads to major diseases like cancer, heart and lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, mental illness etc, etc.

The good news is: true healing and health is right there for us and it is not difficult. We may think it is impossible and difficult because we are addicted and don't know where to begin, but the secret is to start slowly.
Fit it into your present lifestyle and do not be hard on yourself.
Whether you are a vegan, a vegetarian or a meat eater, the  steps are the same.
More good news: never count calories, fats, proteins, carbs or sodium again.
I will go into the steps in detail in a future post, but for now, they include the 7 steps of Detox Essentials at the top left of the page:

  • fresh veggie juice
  • fresh raw salads
  • eat fruit only  on an empty stomach
  • eat raw and cooked starch-less veggies with every meal {except a fruit meal)
  • never eat starch and protein  at the same meal
  • help the elimination with bowel cleansing (not laxatives)
  • make meals simple with whole unprocessed foods         

A Monstrous Lie

From Anastasia:
"a monstrous lie is necessary to cover up their monstrous deeds"
They have convinced us that original, pristine man was so stupid, he had to kill animals for food.

All I Can Do

One day at a time.
I am back to my normal consumption, which if it ain't broke, why try to fix it, right?
Eating and drinking whatever I want and still feeling great and slowly getting healthier and slimmer.
I don't know why I want to stress myself out and try to hurry things up. I know that gets me nowhere. Just discouraged with a tendency to binge more for a day or two.
The day after my 1-day juice fast, I actually ate bread. Not only do I immediately feel a heavy starch like that in my gut, within a few hours I feel it in the sluggishness of my mind and see it in the puffiness in my face.
It is such a gift to be that aware of the effects of what I put in my mouth. All around me I see people absolutely oblivious as to why they feel the way they do.
It is very sad.
I realize that cleansing is a long, slow and sometimes painful process. God knows how long I have been working at it. But thank the Great Spirit for helping me and so many people to become aware of the joys of following a hydrating life-giving lifestyle.

Next Step

I'm doing so well just moseying along with this. looking and feeling better. Losing weight, however slowly.
But I want more.
I want it all!
I want perfection.
I know this has been my downfall in the past.
But I still want it.
That would mean going back to Arnold Ehret.
Systematic under-eating.
Short fasts interspersed with 1 or 2 days of cleansing diet.
Juicing juicing juicing
I will attempt to make it just 1 day of juicing.
I just had an amazing veggie juice and made enough to fill my thermos for work. I also made a big bottle of blueberry lemonade to take also.
Wishing myself luck!!

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

I have been following the lifestyle pretty well since Thanksgiving. I allowed myself to stray a little over the holidays and subsequently am still addicted to milk chocolate and have also discovered that I love white chocolate. Who knew?
I am also drinking a little more red wine than I should, but guess what!
I am down to a size 6 jeans and some of them are even a little big. Of course I have no idea how much I weigh since tossing out the scales, and I really don't care!
I am eliminating quite well, thank you very much.
I am working 6-7 days a week and feeling great!
If anyone is interested in trying this great way of life, my current favorite book is
  Detox 4 Women by Natalia Rose.