3 Days later

3 days later and I’m still out of it. I gave myself an enema and drank some champagne before I went to the party the other night. Drank at least 3 glasses of wine there and smoked lots of pot. I ate 2 small pieces of a baguette with spinach dip made with cream cheese. I passed out on Meredith’s bed. Woke up at 5 am and came home and fell asleep. I was so sick I didn’t get up and shower until afternoon. Drank some juice, some coconut water, and since it was Sunday and I was hung-over I thought maybe some hair of the dog might work. I drank a glass of champagne. I threw up all day and night. Every bit of liquid came right back up.
Yesterday I had water, coconut water, juice and carrots with a little hummus. 12 hours later this morning I was still burping hummus. Burning belly so I had a long enema about 5. Still exhausted.
Woke up at 2am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Fell asleep about 8 until 10:30.
It’s a long way to a clean-celled body.
I had mint tea about 11am then 2 hours later I’m drinking black coffee. It may be acidic but I do think it is important to wean myself slowly from the substances I am addicted to.
Heartburn, belching and upper gastro cramping.
A long way too go.
It’s cold and rainy but I’m sweating. It must be the coffee after an hour.
Started taking Candex again.
Drinking my juice, yum. My right eye is twitching now. At least it isn’t the left one J
Babysitting for Dylan tonight. I’ll take salad makings, broccoli and sweet potatoes.

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