I have to stop judging and organize my own shit. I don't have to clean it up completely at first. Just straighten it up a bit.
But I don't have to change anyone else. Not directly anyway. If I help myself and atop enabling others we all may change for the better.
Natalia, I love your version of "I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore." bravo. I often wish I could be that brave and put it out there like that. You said exactly what I feel in a concise no nonsense manner. Spelled out perfectly. Thank you thank you. For speaking your mind and putting these pompous evil criminals in their place. The power monsters that have mesmerized the masses. The sheep. The imbeciles that are smart enough to know better but too self-serving to see the truth.
There I go judging again.
We're headed for a cliff at full speed.
We are allowing the bastards to lead us by the nose, right over the cliff. They don't even care that they're going right off with us. How can they not know? Or not care.
I think complete clarity has always scared the shit out of me. I don't want to know too much. I'd rather be numb with everybody else.
One of the reasons I shoot myself in the foot, every time, is
I fear that cleansing to the bone, exposing everything, baring it all, stripping away all the bullshit will leave me unprotected. The empress has no clothes.
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