A Weird Dream

I dreamed I spent the night in another woman’s house. It was a big house with a lot of rooms and hidden rooms. The lady of the house had 3 little daughters and an elderly mother. She also had men renting rooms from her that kept their bicycles indoors.
I had a little girl with me and we spent the night in one of the rooms on a small bed with red sheets and orange mattress pad. I soiled the sheets with excrement during the night and set out to wash them in the morning. The laundry room was a bathroom full of bicycles. There was a hidden room off to the side. It was a large room with a large brick fireplace. The old woman of the house was sitting in front of the fireplace. She turned around to look at me. She was sharp and clear-eyed. I didn’t know what to say so I just said nice fireplace. She said something to me and I left. There was something glowing there but it wasn’t a fire.
The woman of the house was an artist. She painted beautiful life-like paintings and wall murals as well. I asked her if she displayed in galleries and she said no. I was trying to place her and her work. I was sure I had heard of her before. She had a hidden room between the guestroom and her bedroom where her children played.

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